Hi, I'm PG Sarkheliya.

An accomplished and experienced software programmer with broad background and knowledge in several different programming languages,having various technical proficiencies and key skills. also have technical expertise in developing advanced websites and standard-based web applications along with maintaining existing websites and upgrading newly-acquired regularly with new applications as needed.

What I Do


as an eCommerce developer, I am responsible for the technical aspects of an online store, such as its performance, scalability, and security. In addition to these technical responsibilities, as an eCommerce developer I also often work closely with the store's owner or manager to ensure that the store meets its business needs.

UI-UX Design

my design aims to create a positive user experience that encourages customers to stick with a brand or product. as a UX Designer, I decide how the user interface works, and as the UI designer, I decide how the user interface looks.

Web Development

as a solution-driven web developer, I am adept at contributing to a highly collaborative work environment and finding solutions. I have Proven experience developing consumer-focused websites using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. also I have good knowledge of the best practices for web design, user experience, and speed.


as a project manager, I plan and designate project resources, prepare budgets, monitor progress, and keep stakeholders informed the entire way. This is all I do within the confines of a company's goals and vision.





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$128 per month
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$256 per month
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